On November 4, according to foreign media reports, Russia banned Apple related laws will come into effect in January 2015, this message means that Apple will lose Russia this huge market. Apple iCloud is the main culprit for this event.
Russia media reported that Apple sold all of their equipment is installed in the "spyware" iCloud. Meanwhile, iCloud servers located in the United States, in violation of Russian laws to be in force early next year, the law requires that all servers must be using Web services in Russia in the country itself. Earlier it was assumed that the regulations will come into effect from September 2016.IPHONE Accessories
The Russian Government believes that Apple iCloud user information may be stored in United States Intelligence Department. Russia issued the Decree, in order to avoid their population data by others listening in.
Of course, Apple is not the only affected by this Decree, social networks Facebook, Twitter, and other video sites will be affected.one2more