
Android 5.0 system exposed a bug: open the Wifi crazy hungry

On November 6, according to foreign media reports, 5.0 system is Google's latest Android open source systems, but recently it has exposed a bug power consumption. When the user turns the device when Wifi, this bug will lower the battery quickly.

Recently a group of Nexus 5 mobile phone users on the Android developers site complained about the problem, saying that since the installation of the latest 5.0 developer preview of Android, cell phone battery life gets tricky. As a software engineer at Google said Google Android services are aware of the problem: "when Nexus5 5.0 system users to upgrade to Android and open WiFi networks, cell phone battery life will come down very fast. This may be due to a large number of exceptions caused by IRQ wakeup events, we will continue to investigate this issue.

Google, of course, do not let this bug affect the user experience, so we have to wait for Google to release Android 5.0 upgrade patch.One2more

